Transformer and Substation Hire Specialists
Professional Power Management Pty Ltd (PPM) has ceased operations after 20 years of hiring equipment to Australian companies.
We will remain available for any warranty or account calls please email us at, or alternatively call 08 9250 8788 and leave a message. We will endeavour to respond to all calls and emails as soon as possible.
33kV 1250A containerised switchboard
2.6MVA 11000 - 6600 / 415V YNd11 substation
6MVA 33000/11000V YNyn(d1) transformer
33kV 400A ring main unit
1000kVA 1000 or 690V / 415V YNyn substation
1000kVA 1000 / 415V YNyn substation
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Copyright 2014 Professional Power Management Pty Ltd ABN 45 089 521 184